Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Deaf Film

I am curious if anyone can tell me all the list of Deaf Film... like Children of lesser God , any film with deafness or sign language in it... I would like to know the complete list.. so that way I can keep it in file... and add up more movies over years.... and hopefully make its a deaf film collection.. I know there is Deaffilm by sprint relay.. they can have their collection sets and mosedeux can have their collection sets too

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

New commerial with ASL is on NOW!!! IT NOT Pepsi !!

I want to let everyone what I just saw... I wasn't sure if anyone else saw it too. There is another ASL commercial. Its not any soda commercial or McDonald commercial. Its brand new Commercial it look like the decided to raise their level to next level!!!! I am so thrilled! I am sure all you will be shock to hear this... since over any years we had issues with ASL and AGBELL (Alexandria Graham Bell) about teach children a ASL!!!! I hope AGBELL will shut up about this and leave them alone!!! because its DISNEY COMMERCIAL!!!! I am so thrilled!!!! please help me and show Disney lot of support and encourage!! and THANKS! and Encourage them to keep it up!! I love their commercial.. its so beautiful and pure ASL!

heres links for the commercial

to watch a video click on smaller picture the 2nd on the the bottom of First one
copy and paste (below) I had to break it in half because its too long

Sunday, February 3, 2008


I got a vibes and bad feel.. that AGBELL was really thrilled that most of you missed Bob's House commercial. Plus million more people missed it too. I was wondering if all of us can write a letter to Pepsi and request them to make it a repeating commercial for television. So that way we can build up a more deaf awareness toward more people around world.

I wish they could show it DURING Super bowl... so that way million people will recognized ASL!