Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Deaf Film

I am curious if anyone can tell me all the list of Deaf Film... like Children of lesser God , any film with deafness or sign language in it... I would like to know the complete list.. so that way I can keep it in file... and add up more movies over years.... and hopefully make its a deaf film collection.. I know there is Deaffilm by sprint relay.. they can have their collection sets and mosedeux can have their collection sets too


Sharon Pajka,Ph.D. said...

Miram Lerner who works at NTID/RIT has done some research on Deaf Characters in film. I posted an interview with her on my blog which includes a list of movies (a comprehensive list? no... but still a pretty extensive list):

Bacon said...

I am puzzled that you might miss out some deaf movies. I do have one old deaf movie called "Deafula". It was deaf vampire story.

Test said...

Here's a search from imdb

Ryan - Proud Christian said...

thanks but i have a trouble try find a movie from long time ago... its not available in blockbuster or netflix or library.. that why i asked if there is list so i can look up for other movie and add on my request and get netflix to make those movie available for others and myself to watch